Improving Quality of Production Milk Can Ø 502 X 603 Using the QCC (Quality Control Circle) in Manufacturing Industry

Authors : Abdulah Dwi Sayogi; Erry Rimawan; Anang Suryana; Bayu Dwi Nugroho; Dina Rahayuning Ratri

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 1 - January

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:- In the industrial world there will always be competition. Consumer satisfaction is the main factor that can determine the victory in the competition in the industrial world. Consumer satisfaction can be achieved one of them by maintaining the quality of the resulting product. This is the underlying PT. XYZ to continue to improve quality. This research focused on decreasing reject level contained in milk can production process Ø 502 X 603 with Quality Control Circle (QCC) method. The Quality Control Circle (QCC) method is based on a problem solving methodology with PDCA cycle approach, that is: Plan (improvement plan), Do (implement), Check (check), Action (make improvements). which combines the 7 tools method as well as other process improvement approaches. Based on the results obtained oss bubble, voide / empty as the largest number of rejects is as much as 15,200 pcs or 38.59% of the total reject.FromFishboneDiagramanalysisobtainedthecaus esofOssbubble,voide/ empty are: unstable OSS viscosity factor, incorrect setting procedure, operator capability is lacking, and engine condition is abnormal. Therefore, it is necessary to make improvements to reduce the number ofrejects.

Keywords : QCC (Quality Circle Control), 7 QC Tools


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