The purpose of this study was to determine
the users of PDCA methods in improving the quality of
creative services in the advertising subsector industry in
PT Kharisma Advertising. The quality of services has
not been fulfilled because of the management factor and
the reliability level of advertising agency employees in
serving the needs of clients. With this research, it is
expected that problems arising from the lack of quality
corporate governance management services in the
charismatic environment of advertising can be fixed.
From observations, it can be seen that almost 80% of
client complaints that occur due to Management at PT
Kharisma Advertising, the rest types of client
complaints are caused by the facilities,
administration/price and technical and non-technical
services of PT Kharisma Advertising. Improvements
can be made by focusing on the largest type of client
complaints, namely management in the company. This
is because client complaints against Kharisma
Advertising management have the largest percentage of
80% of the total types of other passenger complaints.
Keywords : Services, Advertising, PDCA Method.