This research is a classroom action research
(PTK), which aims to describe implementation of
learning, improve the ability to tell again and describe
student responses using literacy strategies in fifth grade
SDN Klampis Ngasem I/246 Surabaya. This study was
conducted during two learning cycles, each cycle
consisting of 1 x meeting. The subjects were students of
fifth grade SDN Klampis Ngasem I/246 Surabaya in the
2nd half of the school year 2018/2019. The results
showed that the implementation of the literacy strategy
in Indonesian Language learning can improve the
implementation of learning achievement and the ability
to retell students. This is evident from the results of
observations and data analysis in each cycle. Increasing
the achievement of learning implementation can be seen
from the increase in the value of learning achievement
in the first cycle of 80.4 to 91.1 in the second cycle.
Increased ability to retell can be seen from the increase
in the average value in the first cycle of 65.1 to 81.4 in
the second cycle. This has fulfilled the indicators of the
success of the specified action which is> 75% of students
achieving a value of 70. Student response on teaching
material the material retelling by literacy strategy
obtained results with very good criteria by students.
Based on the results of this study it can be concluded
that the application of literacy strategies in learning
Indonesian language can improve the implementation of
learning and the ability to retell students of fifth grade
in SDN SDN Klampis Ngasem I / 246 Surabaya.
Keywords : Literacy Strategy, Ability to Retell, Indonesian Language Learning.