Explants of P.betulifolia were tested for
micropropagation and rooting in vitro and
acclimatization in vivo. In multiplication test, BA 0.5
mg/l combination was the best proliferation rate.
Rooted shoots, root length and rooting percent were
resulted the best in this data as 3.35, 2.33 cm and 67%
respectively in 1⁄2 MS + 0.3 mg /l with dipping 10 second
in 2 mg/l IBA (50% EtOH). But 1⁄2MS + 0.2 mg/l IBA
with dipping 15s in the same IBA concentration
provided the best number of roots (4.30). According to
the rooting data, 1⁄2MS + 0.2 and 0.3 mg/l IBA were
given roots but they were not good results as dipping
method. Finally, the healthy survived 37.10% pear from
in vitro rooted plants was grown in fields successfully.
Keywords : P.betulifolia, Acclimatization, 1⁄2MS, BA, IBA, EtOH. Abbreviation: MS - Murashige and Skoog BA - 6-Benzyladenine IBA -Indole-3-butyric acid IAA- Indole-3-acetic acid Zt -Zeatin GA3- Gibberellic acid