Incidence of Amicus Curiae in the Special Jusrisdiction for Peace in Colombia – South America

Authors : Nohelia Elizabeth Díaz Correa, Nilson Figueroa Atencia, Mario Armando Echeverría Acuña, Aniu Margarita Figueroa, Rosa Emilia Meza Lastra, Elizabeth Ramirez Llerena

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 12 - December

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The objective of this research work was to address a study in which the figure of Amicus Curiae is theoretically analyzed and quantitatively examined with a statistical survey in groups focused on the city of Cartagena, for to get the perception of lawyers on the incidence of Amicus Curiae in the special jurisdiction for peace in Colombia; The unit of analysis was to establish whether the incidence of Amicus Curiae in the special jurisdiction for peace in Colombia, is an interference with Colombian domestic law or a recognition of international human rights law, and as variables we have: Examine the Amicus Curiae from the perspective of the theory of human rights and protection instruments; Perform a Normative, Jurisprudential and Doctrinal analysis on the Special Justice for Peace and Amicus Curiae in Colombia and in Comparative Law. The investigation that was carried out is socio legal. The method that was applied was the case study. As primary sources, surveys were used. The analysis was done through statistical survey and content analysis. As findings we have that the participation of these foreigners in the Special Justice of Peace that is implemented in our country, is not exempt from a great debate on the sovereignty of Colombia to solve the conflict with the FARC that lasted more than fifty years, for what the implications of the investigation consist in that the committee of election of the friends of the court received the citizen observations on the foreign candidates who wanted to conform the Integral System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non- Repetition in Colombia.

Keywords : Armed Conflict, Peace Agreement, Special Justice, Amicus Curiae, Human Rights, International Humanitarian Law.


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