Incidence of Temporary Threshold Shift after MRI (Head and Neck) In Tertiary Care Centre

Authors : Suraj Choudhary

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 7 - July

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 Introduction Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) is used for diagnostic purposes. It’s characteristic noise can be harmful for people operating the MRI machine as well as the patients who are undergoing MRI scan. This can lead to development of changes in health like anxiety, high blood pressure, tachycardia, irritability by patients, temporary threshold shift(TTS) .As per this, higher the resolution of scan, high Tesla MRI machine needed which in turn translates into higher production of sound . TTS is a condition in which there is temporary shift in auditory threshold .This happen when there is loud exposure of noise for short or long period. TTS can occur for minutes or hours or days, but the shift of the threshold comes to baseline after sometime, when person is secluded from the loud noise. PTA (pure tone audiometry) provides ear specific thresholds, and uses frequency specific pure tones to give place specific responses, so that the configuration of a hearing loss can be identified. Increase in stiffness of middle ear causes low frequency hearing loss whereas increase in mass effect of middle ear causes high frequency hearing loss.  Aim Incidence of temporary threshold shift after MRI (head and neck) in tertiary care centre.  Objective  To do an pure tone audiogram in patient before MRI  To do an pure tone audiogram in patient immediately after MRI  To do pure tone audiogram in patient 1 day after MRI.  Methodology A cross-sectional study was done to analyse the pure tone audiogram results of patients before and after doing MRI scan. 40 patients undergoing MRI scan above 16years till 50years who came to saveetha medical college ENT audiology were included in the study. All patients who are medically unstable or unconscious or history of previous ear disease were excluded from the study. statistical analysis Paired t test was done.  Result The value is strongly significant which tell us that there is temporary threshold shift after MRI. It was confirmed by paired t test.  Conclusion In my study the test value is significant which suggest of temporary threshold shift after MRI. The threshold shift is measured in above study by using pure tone audiometry at different frequencies (500Hz, 1KHz, 2KHz).


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