Inclusion Education Policy in Indonesia

Authors : Dr. H. Abdul Hafid

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 4 - April

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Qualitative research type through phenomenological approach, the results showed that Briefly inclusive education is a friendly education for all children, with an education service system that requires inclusive education that provides equal opportunities to all learners using the same curriculum. In each student can develop his talents, this special potential is a good opportunity for the development of creativity of learners, In principle every learning given must apply equality and quality learning and for each prison given must be adjusted to the conditions of learners. The principle of inclusive education must create and maintain a class that is welcoming and respects differences and should apply to all levels of education. In organizing inclusive education needs to involve all components of education, the implementation of inclusive education at the time of teaching in the classroom should seek non-discriminatory attitudes, recognition from all parties to all participants of learning, the provision of facilities and a safe environment for each individual child. Children can learn together in the same class without having to prepare in a special class in advance.

Keywords : Concept, History, Purpose, Foundation of Inclusion Education.


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