Income Generating Study on The South Sumatera LRT Operational

Authors : Sudirmansyah; Joni Arliansyah; Edi Kadarsa

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUL446

In South Sumatra Palembang, Light Rail Transit (LRT) which is one type of mass transportation has been built. LRT is a rail-based mass transportation facility with electric drive and can be used to carry passengers on a larger scale, but in the implementation of LRT operations require very large operational funds. The generated income from monthly sales ticket was unequal to the costs incurred for LRT operations. In this study, researchers used three options to obtain other income besides ticket sales, which are the income from ad space rent (stations, poles, railroad walls and LRT trains), trade stall rent, and ATM stall rent. The questionnaire survey was conducted on 400 sample companies in Palembang with the aim of getting the company's perception about the willingness to pay (WTP) for renting the advertising space and the ATM stall so that income generation can be predicted from the three options offered to the South Sumatra LRT operations. The analysis conducted in this study was a quantitative analysis with descriptive statistics. From the analysis it was found that the total income that would be received by the manager if all available locations had been occupied or rented were Rp. 10,080,715,996 once a year with the income proportion from advertising rent at 96.25%, income from trade stalls rent 2.08% and income from ATM stalls rent is 1.67%. It is expected that the existing income can help in funding operational in South Sumatra LRT.

Keywords : Income Generating, WTP, Advertisement, Trade Stall, ATM Stall.


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