Increasing Electrical Efficiency with the Application of Green Building Certificates in High-rise Buildings (Case Study of Bahana Tower Building)

Authors : Alfin Imadul Haq; Rinaldy Dalimi

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June

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Green Building Certification is a green building assessment system in Indonesia that requires a project to meet a series of prerequisites and earn credits in several predetermined categories. In the certification, process several criteria are indeed a requirement, including ASD (Appropriate Site Development), EEC (Energy Efficiency and Conservation), WAC (Water Conservation), MRC (Material Resources and Cycle), IHC (Indoor Air Health and Comfort) and BEM (Building Environment Management). In this study, the focus will be on the efficiency of the use of water and electricity. The evaluation was carried out by discussing the use of water or WAC and the efficiency of electricity use (EEC). after the WAC and EEC evaluations were carried out to see the efficiency of water and electricity, electricity and water cost savings were obtained of 5 billion per year or equivalent to 61 percent of the Baseline (Refer to the SNI Standard). With a payback period with investment costs for 2 years 8 months 46 days.

Keywords : Green Building, Baseline, Efficiency.


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