The purpose of this research is to improve the skill of the student start-up after the following learning by using the recitation method in Elementary School. This research was conducted at SDN Cipete Selatan 03 Pagi South Jakarta. This research was conducted using a classroom action research method by Kemmis and Mc. Taggart. The results showed that the application of the contextual approach used in cycle I was seen not optimally because the students were still passive, so the teacher should give more stimulus to get the maximum response from the students. So the results obtained in the research cycle I average score obtained by students 66 with a success rate of 51%. In the second cycle has reached the target of research or success criteria with the average value of the writing skills of students on learning Indonesian at 83 with an 88% success rate. This result has been above the KKM that is 67. The conclusion from the result of this research is the use of contextual approach in improving writing skill has been declared succeed to the fourth-grade student of SDN Cipete Selatan 03 Pagi. This is evidenced by the contextual approach is able to create active learning by involving students this is closely related to the activities of writing.
Keywords : Contextual Approach, Write Description.