Increasing the Problem Solving Skills on Career Issues through Creative Problem Solving Techniques Mediated Film in Junior High School

Authors : Wenny Arie Puji Susanti, imagery of Muis , Endang Pudjiastuti Sartinah

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 8 - August

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Research aims to describe the implementation of creative problem solving to improve problem solving skills and describe career enhancement career problem solving skills with creative problem solving for students of classes IX-L in SMP Negeri 1 Sidoarjo Taman. Research conducted using the type of Action Research Counseling (PTBK) conducted cyclical. In each cycle consisting of planning, action, observation, and reflection. Data collection techniques used include: a questionnaire, a scale of assessments, teacher and student activity observation and interviews. Data analysis techniques used quantitative descriptive analysis. Subjects in this study amounted to 32 students consisting of 11 male students and 21 female students batteries. From the analysis of the problem solving skills scores career in the first cycle by 77% and by 81% in the second cycle. Score assessment scale scores career problem solving skills by 77% in the first cycle and 84% in the second cycle. Further comparison of skills mastery of the first cycle to the second cycle of 69% to 94%, showing an increase career problem solving skills by 25%. The results of observation activities of teachers and learners in implementing appropriate measures achieve mastery Service Implementation Plan ≥ 80%. The results of the interviews showed moderate improvement in the fun with the training, the instructions given, the course of training, the importance of the technique used and decreasing barriers in training to use creative problem solving techniques of media movies. Related to the objectives, the results showed that the creative problem solving techniques to improve the skills of media movie career problem solving is done through the stages of understanding the problem, create ideas and plan completion / action. Career problem solving skills among students of class IX-L SMP Negeri 1 Sidoarjo Taman can be improved using the techniques of creative problem solving mediated movie.

Keywords : Skills; Creative Problem Solving, Career, Troubleshooting.


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