Increasing Time Efficiency of Change over Process on Solid Product using SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies) Method in Pharmaceutical Industry

Authors : Adha Winatie, Belia Perwitasari Maharani, Versi Hangga Riksa, Sawarni Hasibuan.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 6 - June

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Over time change over is a major problem that is often encountered in manufacturing industries. Efforts that can be made to overcome the length of change-over time, an industry will increase batch size to meet consumer demand. Fast change over time is the key to reducing large batch production and improving distribution channels. This research uses the Single Minute Exchange Of Dies (SMED) method which is a systematic method to reduce change over time so that it can reduce batch size to be more flexible to market demand and reduce the increase in storage of medicinal products that are very closely related to expiration time (expired time ) which can harm consumers and the pharmaceutical industry, especially in this study. The process of monitoring changeover time in the wet granulation room is done by making a logbook that lists the time of start and end of change over which must be filled by the operator.

Keywords : Changeover Time, SMED, Pharmaceutical Industry.


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