Inexpensive Piezoelectricity-Based Milk Adulteration Detection to Validate Consumption and Distribution Hygiene

Authors : Mahesh Warang, Divyam Dharod, Arjun Patel, Vraj Sheth, Sanuj Philip.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 6 - June

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Milk is a commodity which is perishable. Especially in the summer season, it gets spoilt very quickly. Hence to maintain the freshness, venders ploy by using preservatives, water to increase the volume of milk, but to counter the reduced density, they use thickening agents and detergents. This increase the cosmic nature of milk. This notion of mixing water with milk is persistent in poor households where they cannot afford to buy or get milk in a larger quantity. The increased quantity is directly reflected by the increased profits. Adding water will not affect the color of the milk, therefore, it is impossible to detect with direct visibility. Although this adulteration will reciprocate in form of loss of essential fats and proteins. It may also result in menstrual problems for women. Hence the study and exploration of methods to control this adulteration is vital. A low-cost, easy -to-use device is proposed that leverages piezoelectricity combined with liquid density and viscosity to detect any adulteration of the milk towards consumption and distribution hygiene.

Keywords : Piezoelectric, Pasteurisation, Viscosity, Density, Milk-Chilling.


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