The Influence of Banking Credit Facility, Entrepreneurship Orientation, Managing Knowledge Management To Innovation And Business Performance Of Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises In Makassar City.This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of banking credit facilities, entrepreneurship orientation, knowledge management (knowledge management) on innovation, and business performance, directly or indirectly. This research design uses survey method with collecting data cross-section through questionnaires. The sample determination using Simple random sampling with the number of samples of 178 owners / managers UMKM.Metod of data analysis used in testing the hypothesis is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results provide evidence that bank credit facilities have a negative and real impact on business innovation. The orientation of entrepreneurship is positive but not real impact on business innovation improvement. Manage the knowledge (knowledge management) positive and real to business innovation. Bank credit facilities are positive but not real to the improvement of business performance. The entrepreneurship orientation is negative but real impact on business performance improvement. Manage knowledge management (knowledge management) is both opposite direction but real to business performance. Business innovation is positive direction and real impact on business performance improvement. Business innovation as a partial mediation in explaining the effect of bank credit facilities on business performance, instead of business innovation rather than as a mediator in explaining the effect of entrepreneurship orientation and managing knowledge on business performance.
Keywords : Banking Credit Facilities, Entrepreneurship Orientation, Managing Knowledge, Innovation And Business Performance.