Capital structure has been engrossed with a lot
of attentions and still lingers as a source of controversies
among researchers and academia. To this end, this study
examined the influence of capital structure on firm
performance with evidence from selected quoted firms in
the pharmaceutical industry in Nigeria over the period of
2009 to 2017. The study adopted the panel regression
analysis with dependent variables proxied financial
performance as return on asset (ROA) and return on
equity (ROE), while independent variables are debt to
equity ratio (DER), long term debt ratio (LDR), short
term debt ratio (SDR), total asset (SIZE) and inflation
rate (INF). The fixed effect results in the two models
indicate that only firm size was significant and negatively
connected to pharmaceutical firms’ performance using
return on asset. From the outcomes, there is evidence of
no significant rapport between capital structure and
performance of firms in the pharmaceutical industry in
Nigeria. However, the significance of the two models
adopted connotes that there are other variables outside
the models that predict performance in the
pharmaceutical industry, these variables can further be
explored by other researchers. However, based on the
findings from the study, it was recommended that,
pharmaceutical firms should be cautious with their
funding mix.
Keywords : Capital structure, Debt, Equity, Financial Performance.