Motorcycle related crash is one of the major
concerns of nations in the 21st century. Thus, it can be
characterized as the latest challenge to sustainable
human development. Nigeria, as a nation, is particularly
vulnerable to road traffic crash because a large share of
its economy is dependent on road transportation. This
has necessitated public enlightenment campaigns by the
government and non-governmental organizations
(NGOs) through various media platforms such as radio,
television and new media among others to ameliorate the
impact of road traffic crashes. The level of success
recorded by these messages, particularly as it relates to
helmet use remains a subject of enquiry. The study
sought to determine the level of exposure of commercial
motorcyclists to road safety campaign on helmet use and
their response to helmet use. The study adopted
quantitative method. This study has demonstrated that
high level of exposure and knowledge of road safety
campaign on helmet use among the respondents has not
translated into ideal attitudinal response. This study
therefore suggested that, even though radio was found as
dominant communication platform among the
respondents, a combination of communication platforms
will yield more effective results in delivering messages on
helmet use.
Keywords : Attitude, Commercial Motorcyclists, Helmet, Road Safety Campaign.