This study aims to analyze the performance of
employees of PT. Madani National Capital Jakarta
Branch. This study uses the variables of work
environment, leadership style and motivation to analyze
the effect on employee performance. This study also uses
motivation as an intervening variable to analyze the effect
of the level of commitment of outsourcing employees to
the company. The population used is 50 employees
randomly using a questionnaire method by providing a
list of questions directly to the respondents. The data
analysis technique in this study uses SEM (Structural
Equation Modeling) analysis which is operated through
the AMOS 22 program. The results show that the work
environment, leadership style and motivation can have a
positive effect on employee performance, while the work
environment and leadership style can affect employee
motivation. . Work environment variables can have a
direct influence on employee performance while indirectly
work environment variables can have a direct influence
on employee performance at PT. Madani National Capital
(PNM) Jakarta Branch.
Keywords : Company Environment, Leadership Style, Motivation, and Performance Employee.