This research is library research conducted in the library environment of Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, such as the Postgraduate library, the American Studies library, the Unit II library. Research purposes Based on the formulation of the problems mentioned above, it was to: examine the Economic System in the Puritan colonial period in America; discussing Puritan intolerance in the view of American society in the 19th century; discussing Puritan intolerance in the view of American society in the 20th century. Research methods are library research conducted in the library environment of Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, such as the Postgraduate library, the American Studies library, the Unit II library. In addition, this research was conducted at the Sunan Kalijaga IAIN library in Yogyakarta, St. Colossi’s Library. Ignatius Yogyakarta, University of Indonesia’s library in Jakarta and the United States Information Service library (USIS) in Jakarta. Other sources used in this study were obtained through books, novels, journals, the internet, and films. The patterns of life of the Puritans who were very adhering to the principles and ethics they adhered to were based on the teachings of John Calvin (Protestantism) which most severely caused or left the American people to become a capitalist nation. One important factor that fosters attitudes or behavior like this is hard work for every individual who is highly valued and considered sacred. No matter how harsh and despicable the work is, giving someone a respectable status and a common life.
Keywords : Social, Economic, Colonial, American.