Students who have completed their studies
but have not successfully obtained graduation are
important studies to study. This study is about the
influence of financial factors on the motivation of
completing timely studies of long-distance college
students. The samples in this study were active students
2015 to 2018 at remote universities. The data analysis
techniques in this study used descriptive statistics and
linear regression techniques. This research is generating;
1) From the results of the discussion obtained by the
suspect is RYX = 0.868 which means that the Completion
of The Study on Time is influenced by Financial Factors
as much as 86.8%; 2) Financial factors affect the
motivation of completing the study of students of
Distance Universities. If the Financial Factor (X1)
increases by 1 unit, then the Completion of Timely Study
(Y) will increase by 0.271 units.
Keywords : Higher Education, Financial Factors, Completion of Studies