This research is motivated by the influence of critical thinking ability of grade 5 students of SDN 01 Pagi Duren Sawit on IPS learning. This research use design with factorial group design by 2 x 2 design to find out how big influence of critical thinking ability of student having an extrovert and introvert personality after receiving treatment in experiment and control class by using the problem-solving and expository method.
Analysis of the data used is to use the help of software packages software package for the Social Science (SPSS) version 24 for windows. based on hypothesis test analysis shows that the value of F arithmetic 3.495 and F table 3.19 (F table see table F distribution for ANOVA) or a significant value obtained from the above table of 0.305. In addition, the results of this study recommend the method of problem-solving effect the ability to think critically students. And as a relevant reference for further researchers.
Keywords : Problem Solving, Expository, Personality, Critical Thinking Ability.