AEC (ASEAN Economic Community)
implemented since January 1, 2016 has opened business
opportunities for each member country including
Indonesia. In its application AEC makes ASEAN region
as a free market where production, distribution and
consumption take place freely. Also, AEC makes
ASEAN a balanced economic development,
high-economic and fully integrated in the global
economy. All business opportunities will bring positive
perception that will affect someone's entrepreneurial
intentions. Based on these thoughts, to measure the
influence of the perception on AEC towards emergence
of entrepreneurial intentions, this research was held.
The research took respondents who are students
at the FISIP (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences)
UNRI (University of Riau) amounting to 175 people.
Sampling technique is nonprobability sampling with
purposive sampling methods. Sampling included 7
departments without any batch restrictions.
Type of this research is descriptive research using
quantitative approaches. Data was collected with a
survey method using questionnaires. Then the data is
analysed using parametric statistics that is t-test and
simple linear regression.
Results show that perception of students at FISIP
UNRI on AEC in general is fairly good and positive. It
can be seen from t-test results where value of μ > 50.
Similarly, entrepreneurial intention of students at
FISIP UNRI shows quite good results. It is also seen
from t-test results where value of μ > 50.
The research results also show that perception
about AEC is significantly and positively influential
towards the entrepreneurial intention of students at
FISIP UNRI. It is seen from F-test results and a simple
linear regression analysis. The F-test result indicates
that F-count (7.227) is greater than the F-table (6.84).
Moreover, a simple linear regression analysis test in
coefficients table shows same result where significant
value of t-count is 0.008 or smaller than 0.05. Thus it
can be concluded that the perception about MEA is
significantly and positively influential towards the
growth of students’ entrepreneurial intentions at FISIP
Keywords : Perception, Entrepreneurial Intentions, AEC, Students.