This study analyses the quality of trainers, coaches, mentors and training providers against the accomplishment of level IV leadership training by participants, using a case study of Local Government’s Agency for Human Resource Development of Jakarta Province. Evaluation is made towards participants who undertook level IV leadership training between 2015 and 2018. It is indicated that only a few participants who passed with outstanding performance and more of them achieved less satisfactory grades. The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of trainers, coaches, mentors and training providers on participant’s performance. This research collects data from 186 individuals who participated in Leadership Training level IV in 2018 by using the random sampling method from all participants (300 people). The data is analyzed using multiple linear regression. The result indicates that a strong relationship exists between participant’s performance and the role of trainers, coaches, mentors and training providers at large (R: 0.953).
Keywords : Quality, Trainer, Coach, Mentor, Training Organizers, Graduation Qualification of Participants.