The academic performance of students in
Public Secondary schools in Kenya has distressed the
Ministry of education officers, parents,’ teachers among
other stakeholders. Secondary education should fill some
roles like provision of skills, knowledge and also prepare
students to further their studies. Unfortunately,
secondary education has challenges in accomplishing the
roles. The main purpose of the study was to investigate on
the influence of teacher related factors on students’
academic performance in public secondary schools in
Makueni Sub County, Makueni County. The study
focused on finding out how teacher related factors
influence the students’ academic performance in
secondary schools. The study was based on capital theory
.The design adopted for this study was descriptive survey
design. The study targeted 48 form 3 students, 54
teachers and 36 form 3 parents from Makueni Sub
County in Makueni County. Purposive sampling and
simple random sampling technique was used in selection
of the respondents. The researcher made use of
questionnaires and interview guide to collect data.
Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze
the data. The data collected was analyzed using Statistical
Package for Social Sciences (SPSS17) to generate the
frequency of answers the percentages, tables and figures.
The results of the study revealed that frequent use of
lecture method in teaching brought about poor academic
performance. The study has recommended that
administrators should ensure teachers vary teaching
methods and also attended workshops to equip
themselves with the current teaching approaches.
Keywords : Influence, Academic Performance, Experience, Level of Education.