Influence of the Head Teacher’s Motivational Skills on Kenya Certificate of Primary Education in Nyamira South Sub-County

Authors : John Nyangoto Makori, Dr. Kennedy N. Getange.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 2 - February

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This study investigated the influence of Head teachers’ motivational skills on pupils’ academic performance in selected public primary schools in Nyamira South Sub-County, Nyamira County. The target populations comprised of 95 Head teachers, 95 deputy Head teachers and 95 senior teachers. The research adopted descriptive survey design. Stratified random sampling was used to select the desired sample. The study adopted both questionnaires and interview schedules as instruments of data collection whose reliability was tested using test re-test technique. Data was analyzed using frequencies, percentages and descriptive analysis. Data was analyzed using summary tables for the purpose of data presentation and interpretation. The study found out that motivational skills are very essential in promoting pupils academic performance. Based on the findings, it was recommended that all public primary Head teachers should exercise maximally their motivational skills in order to raise pupils’ academic performance. Ministry of Education should train all Head teachers on the skills researched. Department of Directorate of Quality Assurance and standards to regularly supervise and monitor school Head teachers not adhering to the implementation of the motivational skills. Further studies can be done on effects of school discipline on pupils’ academic performance and the role of teachers, students and parents in improving public primary schools academic outcomes.

Keywords : Head Teachers, Deputy Head Teachers, Motivational Skills, Academic Performance.


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