Influence of using Social Networking Sites on the Perception of Sociability of Post Graduate Students

Authors : Dr. Shazia Mansoori and Nawaj Shorif

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 8 - August

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In the modern era of science and technology, the social networking site gets its popularity rapidly. It is an easy way for people to communicate and interact with each other anytime anywhere in the world and become the major medium of communication. It helps the user to share photos, videos, messages, ideas, thoughts etc. with the people with whom they are connected. It plays a vital role to encourage the youth to be more socialized and tolerant in dealing with the multi-cultural society. In the present study, the researcher examines the influence of using social networking sites on the post graduate student’s perception of sociability. The sample size was 280 postgraduate students studying in various post- graduation courses of Aligarh Muslim University. Descriptive and statistical techniques were used for the analysis of data scientifically and systematically in accordance with the purposes and objectives of the study. The findings of the present study show that use of social networking sites had a significant influence on the perception of sociability of the post-graduate students of Aligarh Muslim University.

Keywords : Social Networking Sites, Sociability, Post- Graduate Students.


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