The research aim to analysis effected of OCB, competence and organizational culture toward satisfaction by staff, to analysis effected OCB, competence and organizational culture toward performance by staff, to analysis effected of satisfaction toward performance by staff and to analysis effected of OCB, competence and organizational culture toward performance through satisfaction by staff. These research applied BNI Ltd. at Makassar City with population as amount 782 staffs and sample sebanyak 265 respondent through full sampling. Data result used Structural Equation Model with aim AMOS 18 computer program statistic. The result of research to found the OCB have negative and insignificant toward satisfaction. That caused all of indicators OCB its difficult to applied by staff then the staff have not comparative and inovative behavior to faced of job it, while the caused of OCB insignificant toward satisfaction, because staff have not orientation and prospective of work which satisfied in develop of good behavior. The OCB have negative and insignificant toward performance because all of indicators not able to support of staff to developed of behavior to achieve of result in optimal. The OCB have negative and insignificant toward performance through satisfaction by staff. These caused the indicators of variable not sufficient for staff because the service which doing by staff always suitable with system, procedure, policy and regulation of organization, so cannot to developed of behavior suitable with desire customer. And these cauased the performance by staff cannot increased because the applied of OCB through satisfaction by staff.
Keywords : OCB, Competence, Organizational Culture, Satisfaction and Performance.