Innovation in Medical Practice, Interests and Challenges

Authors : Dr Mohammed LAHFAOUI, Pr Mohammed Boughaleb, Pr Houssine Benhaddou

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 4 - April

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Innovation in medicine has always existed. It is the necessary adaptation so that the health system can survive while adapting to the times and the environment. Today, the innovative approach consists of a more global and systemic vision of health, associating all the actors: users, their entourage and health professionals. The health practices resulting from innovation are undoubtedly linked to a transdisciplinary and pluri-professional culture and to a common, rather than siloed, training of health professionals. The research from which innovative practices will emerge will have to be based on this innovative vision of health combining basic sciences and humanities. The authors underline the need for regulation and the ethical aim for the sustainability of innovative practices in health.

Keywords : Innovative practices; Environmental medicine; Health; Sustainable development; Ethics ;Regulation; Training.


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