The purpose of this research is to design a
model of innovation of local government policy and
community empowerment in the development of tourist
village-based destinations in Bone Bolango Coastal
Regency, so as to support tourism development in the
Tomini Bay Area. The method used is qualitative
through in-depth interviews, FGD, and documentation /
literature review studies. The results of this study found
(1) the development of tourist village-based destination
areas in Bone Bolango Coastal Regency has been
supported by legal / legitimacy policies / umbrellas by
the Bone Bolango Regency Government through the
Bone Bolango Regent's Decree Number: 131 / Kep /
Bup.BB / 121/2021 determined based on the potential
and capacity of local resources and uniqueness consisting
of marine and coastal tourism and becomes a guideline
for policy making in the field of tourism in Bone Bolango
Regency; (2) Community empowerment by the
government in the development of tourist village-based
destinations in Bone Bolango Coastal Regency is still at
the level of the establishment of a Tourism Conscious
Group (Pokdarwis) that has not played an active role in
various forms of tourism management in the village. The
process of transferring knowledge of tourism
development, especially to coastal local communities is
still limited to the education of souvenir making and
diving techniques, has not had a significant influence in
improving the quality of village attraction programs,
and has not been able to bring a sense of belonging to
coastal local communities to the progress of tourism in
their villages; (3) Synergy between local government
policies and community needs has been implemented
well through the Development Planning Conference
(Musrembang) where in the participatory budgeting
process using a bottom-up approach that provides space
for the community to voice their needs on the part of the
government, actively influencing budget plans and the
preparation of village development projects. However,
the Village Fund Budget has not been allocated for the
development of tourist village-based destinations in Bone
Bolango Coastal Regency. Support of the Bone Bolango
Regency Government through Bimtek, as well as the
provision of jetski and banana boat rides have not been
optimally utilized by the village community for the
development of tourist villages; (4) The model of
innovation of local government policy and community
empowerment in the development of tourist villagebased destination areas in Bone Bolango Coastal
Regency is projected for sustainable tourism
development, for which the policy of the Next District
Government Regulation is operationalized for the
development of tourist villages that rely on four pillars,
namely (a) conservation of marine and coastal tourism
areas, (b) education for environmental and cultural
preservation, (c) community participation, and (d)
accommodate local wisdom.
Keywords : Policy, Community Empowerment, Tourist Village.