Graph is an excelent mathematical means
used in many applications as communication,
transportation, economy, informatics, ... In traditional
graph the weights of vertexes and edges are
independent, where the distance of a path is the sum of
weights of the vertexes and the edges on that path. On
the other side, in many practical applications, weights at
vertexes are not equal for all paths going through these
vertexex, but are depending on leaving and coming
edges. Furthermore, capacities of vertexes and edges of
a network are shared by many commodities with
different costs. Hence, studying networks of mutiple
weights is needed. In the presented paper, the
algorithm finding shortest path in network with
multiple weights is applied to implement the general
algorithm finding the maximum concurent flow on the
multicost multicommodity extended network.
Keywords : Network, Graph, Multicost Multicommodity Flow, Libear Optimization, Aproximation.