The study examined the effects of Integrated
Financial Management Information System on
Financial Reporting Effectiveness of District Local
Governments in Uganda. The study adopted a
descriptive case study research design due to its
strength to giving reliable and firsthand information
about the current state of affairs of the variable being
researched about. Data was collected using a
questionnaire and structured interview, data was
analyzed quantitatively by Statistical Package for Social
Sciences (SPSS) and qualitatively by thematic. The
study found that IFMIS positively affects and improves
the financial reporting effectiveness of district local
governments in Uganda as it ensures consistency in
reporting with mean support of 3.30, accuracy 4.19,
timely reporting 4.39, transparency 4.32 and ensuring
relevancy of the report 4.23 out of 5. This overwhelming
support reflect that IFMIS has great effect on financial
reporting of effectiveness of district local governments.
This positive effect is attributed to effective budget
preparation, transaction processing and effective report
preparation of the system, meaning that, meaning that
the findings indicate the fulfilment of one of the
objective for the introduction of Integrated Financial
Management Information System (IFMIS) in district
local government in Uganda which is improving
financial accountability through prompt financial
reporting effectiveness.
Keywords : Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS), Financial Reporting Effectiveness, Financial Budget Preparation, Financial Transaction Processing, And Financial Report Preparation.