Integrated Web-Based Voter Registration System (For Developing Countries)

Authors : Eneji, Samuel Eneji (Phd), Ibe, Walter Eyong, Akoshi, Gregory Atemgweye, Awe, Oluropo Aderemi.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 2 - February

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Voter registration which is one of the major tools for election in most democracies is simply the procedure that qualifies a citizen to vote and be voted for in any given election. This tool greatly determines both the success and the credibility of any election. Faulty voter registration will automatically mean faulty election. It also becomes a veritable tool in the side of both the election body and the political system. It serves as a guide in the electoral strategies. Irrespective of the great importance of voter registration, the system has been bastardized by anxious politicians. This has led to loss of confidence in the voter registration system. This dissertation critically examines how voter registration could be made more effective and reliable on the assumption that, there should be a standard national database which would in turn be integrated with a webbased voter registration system. This will enable for voters’ authentication using the existing databases. Based on the assumption, this dissertation creates an integrated database by filtering data from the simulation of National Population Commission database (NPCDB), National Identity Number Database (NINDB) and Nigeria Communication Commission Database (NCCDB). The database application used to link the software with relevant data in the system so developed was my SQL.


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