Electronic Governance (E-Governance) is basically government ONLINE. E-Governance in other words is easy governance and SMART government. Smart government means simple, moral, accountable and responsive Government. Many E-Governance projects have been successfully implemented worldwide but issues are there due to the implementation done by Business Process Management. RPA is light weight IT in terms of accessing and addressing applications through the presentation layer without disturbing the core business logic or data of the underlying applications .Robotic Process Automation enables business transformation of eGovernance projects with better accuracy and highquality services, increased speed and agility, improved efficiency and reduced costs, easy integration, reduced delivery risk, reduced IT workloads etc. RPA also provides hassle free environment for e-Governance projects. This paper is an attempt to eliminate the drawbacks of implementation of e-Governance by using Robotic Process Automation (RPA). This paper describes the benefits of integration of Robotic Process Automation for e-Governance projects. Further productivity of eGovernance projects is enhanced with integration of Robotic Process Automation.
Keywords : E-Governance, RPA, SMART.