Intelligent System for Diagnosing Diseases Bone Cancer Using the Forward Chaining Method

Authors : Muhammad Amin; Chairul Rizal; Muhammad Syahputra Novelan

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 11 - November

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- The development of computer technology has a positive impact on all life, especially in the world of industry, education, government and small to medium enterprises. Where with computer technology, all work that is done manually can be done computerized. A welldesigned information system will greatly assist an organization or company in obtaining accurate, timely and relevant information in its presentation. Likewise with the hospital which continues to experience development, which has a duty to provide information and services to the public in the health sector. In this case the authors designed an application system that can support the performance of the hospital which deals with bone cancer, namely "Intelligent System to Diagnose Bone Cancer Using Forward Chaining Method". This program allows users to work more effectively and efficiently in terms of diagnosing diseases, especially bone cancer, as well as being able to input data, delete data and change data. And all of the data has been stored in the database so that it is easy to process. This system is run on a client server basis so that it can be used by many users. With this system, it is hoped that it can support the smoothness of the work process at the hospital dealing with the problem of bone cancer.

Keywords : Intelligent System, Born Cancer, Fordward Chaining Method, Database.


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