Authors : Dr. K. S. Dhanalakshmi; S. Keerthana; S. Aishwarya; R. Priyadharshini
Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 9 - September
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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20SEP426
In case of accidents during explosions and
firearm injuries it is essential to use tourniquet in order
to overcome the severe injuries and blood loss. There
are a few essential things to consider when using a
tourniquet. If it is not tightened well to arrest the blood
loss, it continues and the injured person's life becomes
very dangerous. If more pressure is given , and if it is
not relaxed and squeezed hardly, it may cause serious
issues. The purpose of this product is to produce a
intelligent tourniquet system that can successfully arrest
the bleeding by automatically providing the appropriate
pressure to the limb, where it is affected to stop
excessive bleeding in wounds. The developed system will
be largely used in, first aid kits for vehicles,
ambulances, emergency services for hospitals, fire
trucks, first aid organizations, risky workplaces and so
many civilian areas.
Keywords : Arduino Microcontroller, Bluetooth, Pressure Motor, Seven Segment Display