Increasing the competence of graduates to
work according to the demands of the development of
the Industrial Revolution 4.0 is determined by the role
of educators. The role of educators in terms of choosing
to apply technological innovations into their learning
with appropriate models / strategies, is considered to be
a solution to increasing competence. The long-term goal
of this research is to develop an innovative and flexible
learning model based on Smart Classroom through the
study of the development of an interactive learning
model on technology education and vocational-based
Smart Board Technology at Padang State University.
This type of research is Research and Development,
with development procedures using the 4D
Development Model consisting of: Define, Design,
Develop and Disseminate. The model design was
validated by 3 media experts with very high validity
values; 87,35, through practicality testing on 36 students
in the Department of Electronics Engineering, the
Faculty of Engineering shows that learning through the
use of IWB is more fun and interesting, and they
claiming that it makes learning more fun and helps
them understand difficult subjects. The developed
model can be a solution to increase the competency of
vocational education graduates through the application
of technology innovation strategies into the offered
Keywords : Component; Industrial Revolution 4.0; TVET; Interactive Learning Model; Smart Board Technology; Smart Classroom.