Internatıonal Trade Barrıers and their Effects on E-Commerce Busınesses in Turkey

Authors : Flevious Ngwang NGWANG.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 3 - March

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This study aims to understand the international trade barriers that affects e-commerce businesses in Turkey. Firstly, it does a literature review of some of the major traditional theories in international trade such as mercantilism, absolute advantage, comparative advantage, and H, O model (Factor Endowment of K, L). Next, it studies some major regional blocks and seeks to understand how the countries in these blocks manage to go pass their trade barriers and problems to successfully engage in meaningful economic cooperation with each other. In the same light, it studies the trade barriers that Turkey might be suffering with the aim of knowing why they exist and what the effects are in the Turkish e-commerce. Lastly, it presents its findings from a quantitative case study analysis done with a series of companies were administered questionnaires. The results of the study summarise this researcher’s earlier thoughts that trade barriers actually have a debilitating effect on e-commerce in Turkey. Lastly, the study proposes some solutions to help solve the issue.

Keywords : İnternational Trade, Trade Barriers, Turkish Ecommerce, Trade Theories, Classical Theories, Modern Theories.


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