Intertextuality in Cybercrime Texts as Social Reality in Indonesia

Authors : Mimas Ardhianti; Bambang Yulianto; Suhartono

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 7 - July

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This study aims to examine the intertextuality of cybercrime texts as a social reality in Indonesia. Intertextuality is the meaning formation of a text by another text. This is due to the interconnections between similar or related cybercrime texts that reflect and influence the audience's interpretation of the texts. This is descriptive qualitative research with the data source comes from the Cybercrime Investigation Reports from the Regional Police Office (Polda) of East Java, Yogyakarta, Metro Jaya, and Bandung. The data analyzed in this study are in the form of words, phrases, and sentences that exist in the cybercrime text. The results show that the structure of cybercrime texts reflects intertextuality among the analyzed texts, which is obtained from the analysis of evidence and patterns of relationships in a holistic, heuristic, deductive, and inductive way. This refers to hypo-texts and hypertexts which become the main capital in studying the relationship among cybercrime texts.

Keywords : Intertextuality, Cybercrime Text, Social Reality


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