Introduction & Overview of Pneumatic Press with Various Attachment

Authors : Aniket N. Sanap, Abhishek J. Pawar, Ashwin P. Pawar, Rahul R. Chakule, Parigha B. Shinde.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 3 - March

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In this paper, we will discuss about Basics of pneumatic press with various attachments, its components and working. A pneumatic press is a machine using a pneumatic cylinder to generate a compressive force. Frame, pneumatic cylinder and press table are the main components of the pneumatic press with various attachments. Presses are one of the most commonly used machine tools in industry for the forming of different materials. In the past, for the pressing tasks in industry, mechanical presses were more frequently used, but nowadays pneumatic presses take precedence due to their numerous advantages, such as, compact in design, simple and safe in handling, highly adaptable to harsh environment, environment friendly, economically preferable In current industries working environment, we are using number of machines to perform different kinds of operations like Bending, Shearing, and Pressing etc. which are having various types of inputs like Electrical, Mechanical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic. It is not very convenient for a small scale Industries. In a point of view cost, place and number of skilled workers, which are producing less number of parts and for that we have to perform number of operations on same components and on same machine. Using the optimum resources possible in designing the pneumatic press components can effect reduction in the cost by optimizing the weight of material utilized for building the structure and press attachments.

Keywords : Pneumatic press, Pneumatic system, Press components, Press tools, Actual model.


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