Inventory Management using Demand Driven Material Requirement Planning for Analysis Food Industry

Authors : Dimas Mukhlis H.F, Jacob IndraEfrialdi, Erry Rimawan

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 7 - July

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Supply chain system is one of the main factors that need to be considered in the rotation of industrial processes. Manufacturing industry is a real example of an industry that relies heavily on the smooth supply chain system to ensure the smooth production processes and business processes of the company. The main problem facing the sauce industry using traditional MRP systems includes performance in the form of bad maturity dates, stock levels that do not match actual market requirements and overall system instability which causes inefficiency. However, achieving this goal is a challenge in today's dynamic production environment because traditional systems of planning and manufacturing control cannot develop this context. Inventory management as a component in the supply chain system that continues to evolve to adjust technology needs.


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