With the advent of online shopping platforms,
customers started to change their buying habits by
adopting it. Yet, while many have adopted it, there are
many who still hesitate or refuse to take one step into it.
Due to the unavailability of online shopping in Yemen,
this study was initiated to determine whether Yemeni
nationals residing in Istanbul – Turkey have already
used online shopping platforms or not yet. If not, what
factors have affected their preferences for it? This study
is a qualitative case study using interviews to amass data.
Self-administered and pre-tested open-ended questions
were made. 9 Yemeni participants were interviewed
using an in-depth case study for each one. The research
model was analyzed using narrative techniques. Findings
showed that the factors affecting their preferences for
online shopping were trust, risk, and convenience.
Findings reported that the majority of interviewees still
prefer traditional shopping to online shopping, for its
safety, physicality and certainty etc.
Keywords : Online Shopping, Consumer Preference, Perceived Trust, Perceived Risk, Perceived Convenience.