Investigation into Early Loss of Lubricant Viscosity in Agitator Gear Box at CIL Plant at Goldfields Ghana Limited

Authors : Precious Eme, Ofori-Ntow Eric

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 1 - January

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Lubrication is very important when it comes to maintaining any mechanical equipment. Poor lubrication can cause friction which intends lead to wear and breakdown of the agitator gear box. The viscosity of oil is also very important because when oil loses its viscosity, it fails to perform its function in lubricating the machine which causes a lot of breakdowns and wear of the gear teeth. Moisture formation on the oil, which then mixes with the oil, is one of the factors that cause oil to lose its viscosity and other factors would be discussed. Experiments were conducted on the oil to know the amount of water content on the oil and additives on the oil that causes frequent breakdowns on the agitator gear boxes. It was achieved through several temperature calculations, that there is some amount of moisture content on the oil which causes the oil to lose its viscosity. Additional study could be conducted to further investigate into the loss of lubricant viscosity and means on how to improve upon the oil or maintain the oil viscosity for quite a longer period.

Keywords : Temperature calculator, Oil Contamination Control and Oil Sampling.


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