IOT Based Smart Garbage Bin Alert System using HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor

Authors : Priya Sidam , Mohini Mate , Pradhnya Nagarare , Sameeksha Katle , Shubham Dhapodkar , Rajesh Nasare

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 2 - February

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India faces major environmental challenges associated with waste generation and inadequate waste collection, transport, treatment and disposal. To make the cities greener, safer and more efficient , Internet of things(IOT) can play important role. We presents a waste collection management solution based on providing intelligence to wastebins, using IOT prototype with sensors. This design designates a technique in which the garbage level could be checked at regular intervals which would prevent the undesirable overflow of the bin. It also has facilitation so intimate the authority to clean up in case of any overflows. The filling level of the garbage in the dustbin and its original level height could be sensed monitored by the ultrasonic sensor. This project is very innovative system which will help to developing nation to the key of “Smart City”.

Keywords : Index Terms- Internet of Things, Ultrasonic Sensors, Arduino Microcontroller, Wi-Fi Module, Garbage Bins, Mapping.


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