IOT Based Vehicle Parking and Toll-Fee Management System Using Raspberry Pi 3

Authors : R Gowri Poornima,

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 7 - July

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The basic desideratum of the vehicle parking and toll-fee management system is to reduce the waiting time of the vehicles. There are huge amount of vehicles passing through Toll Gate Stations and using parking places every day. This IOT based management system collects vehicle toll fee or parking fee automatically. In this system camera is used for capturing the image of the vehicles number plate. The captured image would be converted into the text using Python based OCR (optical character recognition) and the toll would be cut from the user’s account and then the gate is opened. The system is divided into the design of three modules, Vehicle Module and the Database Module, Tollgate station. The three modules communicate via GSM modem connected to each module, stolen vehicle are also identified and alarm would be buzzed. For the Identification of the vehicles, the information of the vehicles is already stored on the database. Stored information is also easily exchanged between the motorists and toll or parking authorities, thereby enabling a more efficient toll or parking fee collection by reducing waiting time and traffic.

Keywords : IOT, Raspberry Pi, Global Synchronous Mobile, Mobile App.


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