Is Culture an Important Factor for the International Trade Negotiators?

Authors : Ehsan Ferdous; He Xiaoyin

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 7 - July

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Economies are becoming diversified due to the large-scale adaptation of globalization and the processes involved are becoming easier day by day with the advancement to technology. The contemporary world is no longer confined to any single market which has also instigated the expansion of trade beyond national territory. Multinational Managers are faced with challenges when it comes to dealing with different cultures as they fail cope up with the demand of their counterparts’ culture. This study seeks to discuss and address important areas to the problems associated with cultural differences when it comes to International Trade Negotiation. However, little research has been conducted to identify the influence of culture on international trade negotiation. The study attempted to refute the relationship between culture and international trade negotiation. The data is used to conduct this study is collected from different nationalities to understand the perception and negotiation style of different cultures.

Keywords : Cultural Differences, International Trade Negotiations, Cross-Cultural Communications


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