Jaundice Colour Separation Using Machine Learning Technique with PHP Programming Language Tools

Authors : Ekereke, Layefa; Prince O. Asagba

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 6 - June

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2VK4KOa

Jaundice is a disease that is occurs as a result of excess bilirubin substance found in the blood stream and it can affects at any life stage of human being. This is caused mainly by the breakdown of Red blood cells (RBC) in the blood. But for the purpose of this research, we will be considering neonatal jaundice that is jaundice that is associated with newly born children. Bilirubin is a necessity in the body but excess production of it at the early stage of a child can be toxic because the liver is not strong enough to excrete the excess of it produced. This increase in the bilirubin content in the body is directly proportional the colour of the skin as the skin gradually becomes yellowish starting from the face and upper body then gradually spreads to the rest parts of the body. Over 150 samples of Images of new born diagnosed to have jaundice of different levels were acquired from hospitals across the world, a colour clustering/separation model was developed with PHP programming language tool, then the images collected was used to train the clustering/separation model. After the training, fourteen colour codes were discovered to be common in all the images. This brought us to a conclusion after a thorough discussion with some expertise in the medical field that when an image is tested for the presence of jaundice, the number of the colour codes found in the image can depict the level of jaundice present in a baby.

Keywords : Jaundice; Image; Bilirubin and Colour Seperation


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