Kentrung art is a typical Blora art which is a
fairy tale art. Kentrung is played by a puppeteer who
beats a tambourine musical instrument while speaking.
This kentrung music essentially functions as an
accompaniment to a folk tale performed by a puppeteer.
The folklore that was presented was related to the
spread of Islam in Java. Completely, the elements of
kentrung are the puppeteer, the accompanying music,
and the story. The purpose of this study is to find
institutions of Javanese community that contain
kentrung parikan and to find out the function of these
institutions. The target of this study is to describe the
institutions of Javanese community in the Kentrung
parikan, and to find out the function of the community
institutions. In order to achieve this target, the study was
designed with a descriptive analysis approach, which is a
research program that was followed up by a
development program through systematic steps in the
form of a process of action, reflection, evaluation, and
innovation by applying the observational research
method. The results showed that kentrung parikan is not
only functions as a media of entertainment, but also
functions as a suspension for community institutions.
Keywords : Parikan, Narative, Sampiran, Content.