Children are weak and vulnerable; they depend on adults for their basic needs, security and protection, thus requiring extra protection from the law. The Government of Tanzania enacted the Law of the Child Act No.21 of 2009 which aims at protecting children’s rights and establishes institutions and stake holders vested with authority for enhancing child protection. There are however, an overwhelming increase in child abuse and neglect as a result children are victim of all kinds of violence and abuse at family level, at school and in the society. The study seeks to address as to why child abuse is on increase despite the enactment of the Law of the Child Act. This article thus reveals many incidences of child abuse reported to various relevant institutions addressing children justice. However, there is great dropout of such cases to the time they reach the court. This is linked to failure of investigation for most of sexual abuse cases are perpetuated by traumatized close relatives thus law enforcers encounter poor support in investigation; hence, the need to integrate counseling in Justice System. It is unbecoming that irrespective of having laws and procedures enhancing prompt dispensation of juvenile justice without being bound by technicalities, cases still take long before they are finalized while victims are not taken care of. It can be contended that, Children are deprived of their rights irrespective of following proper mechanism; thus, justice delayed is justice denied.