Cylinder block machining line in automotive
manufacturing in Indonesia has launched a world-class
company if reviewed from the achievement of
productivity level of production activity and a number
of quality products that are calculated using the Overall
Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) value that is valued
above 85% as mention in JIPM Total Productive
Maintenance (TPM) world company standard. Even
though it has reached the average OEE from September
till November 2018 was 87%, so there was still an
opportunity to make improvements of 13%, this
company still continues to increase the value of OEE
through Kaizen activities. Kaizen is carried out to make
improvements to increase the value of Availability,
Performance Efficiency, and Rate of Quality. The steps
taken to improve OEE, starting with measuring OEE,
are continued by calculating six major loses then
looking for the biggest factor that affects the increasing
OEE value. After that, look for the causes of the
problems analyzed using Fishbone Diagrams. Things to
do to increase the OEE value are to make
improvements at the frequent breakdown machine and
the long line stop machine as the priority of the
problem. Within one month, we can increase OEE
become 92% in December 2018.
Keywords : Total Productive Maintenance, Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Six Major Losses, Kaizen.