Objective of this research to develop a kinesthetic game model in enhancing the ability mathematicch beginning in early childhood. The research method used was the development of models developed by Borg & Gall. Model development design is carried out through the stage of needs analysis, product development and testing. Based on the results of a large scale test in several kindergartens in Gorontalo province, between Damhil Kindergarten, Pembina Kihajar Dewantoro Kindergarten, Al Murqi Kindergarten, Al Islah Kindergarten, Kartika Wirabuana Kindergarten, and Raudhatul Jannah Kindergarten. The effectiveness of the test model shows a significant increase in the process help children develop abilities mathematics early in early childhood. The results of this study generally illustrate that the kinesthetic game model is easy and practical to use. The kinesthetic game model can improve early math skills in early childhood.
Keywords : Early Mathematics, Kinesthetic Games.