Knowledge and Apprehension on Covid 19 among the General Public


Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 10 - October

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Covid-19 has been an massive outbreak throughout the world, several preventive measures are taken to control the spread and ensure well being of public. This study was conducted among 100 participants to evaluate the knowledge of the general public, a poor understanding of the disease may result in the rapid spread of infection. This study aimed to investigate the knowledge and perceptions of general public about COVID-19.A 31-item survey instrument was developed and randomly to public using social media; The data of 100 people were collected randomly in India. The questions were premeditated to assess knowledge of the subjects and to weigh the factors which contribute to the fact. Participants information was maintained anonymous throughout the study and participants were asked to provide honest answers. The study concludes, the participants have fair knowledge on the preventive measures of covid-19 but there is still gap in right perception of the situation. Providing health education programs through social media/networks can resolve the misconceptions and improve the knowledge of covid-19 among public

Keywords : COVID-19, Corona Virus, Preventive Measures, Health Education Intervention, SARS-Cov-2


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